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Research Focus:


My research focuses on optics varies from imaging to ultrafast optics. It involves topics including:

  1. Optical Imaging: Developing advanced imaging techniques, such as super-resolution telescopy and microscopy, and multiphoton microscopy.

  2. Biophotonics: Applying optical techniques to study biological systems, such as using optics for medical imaging, diagnostics, and therapy.

  3. Quantum Optics: Investigating the fundamental aspects of light-matter interactions at the quantum level, including quantum entanglement and quantum communication.

  4. Nonlinear Optics: Studying the behavior of light in materials where the response is not proportional to the input, leading to phenomena like harmonic generation.

  5. Lasers and Photonics: Conducting research on laser design, development, and applications, including ultrafast lasers, semiconductor lasers, and laser-material interactions.


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Interferenceless coded aperture correlation holography is a recently developed technique for indirect 3D imaging of objects without two-wave interference. In such systems, the intensity response to a point is first recorded by modulating the light diffracted from a point object by a pseudorandom coded phase mask (CPM). The object intensity response is recorded under identical conditions and with the same CPM by mounting an object at the same axial location as of the point object. The image of the object is reconstructed by a cross-correlation between the above two responses. In the present study, the imaging capabilities of a system with partial apertures are demonstrated by synthesizing the CPM in the shape of a ring. The partial aperture system demonstrates 3D imaging capabilities with an area as low as 1.4% of the total aperture area, which is beyond the limits of a regular imaging system. These superior imaging capabilities of the new technique might be useful for imaging with ground and space telescopes.

​The resolution of imaging by space and earth-based telescopes is often limited by the finite aperture of the optical systems. We propose a novel synthetic aperture-based imaging system with two physical subapertures distributed only along the perimeter of the synthetic aperture. The minimum demonstrated two-subaperture area is only 0.43% of a total full synthetic aperture area. The proposed optical configuration is inspired by a setup in which two synchronized satellites move only along the boundary of the synthetic aperture and capture a few light patterns from the observed scene. The light reflected from the two satellites interferes with an image sensor located in a third satellite. The sum of the entire interfering patterns is processed to yield the image of the scene with a quality comparable to an image obtained from the complete synthetic aperture. The proposed system is based on the incoherent coded aperture holography technique in which the light diffracted from an object is modulated by a pseudorandom coded phase mask. The modulated light is recorded and digitally processed to yield the 3D image of the object. A laboratory model of imaging with two synchronized subapertures distributed only along the border of the aperture is demonstrated. Experimental results validate that sampling along the boundary of the synthetic aperture is enough to yield an image with the resolving power obtained from the complete synthetic aperture. Unlike other schemes of synthetic aperture, there is no need to sample any other part of the aperture beside its border. Hence, a significant saving of time and/or devices are expected in the process of data acquisition.

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